In this section you will find a list with the main questions about our clinic, treatments, services and machinery. If you have any other questions you can solve them through our contact channels or by using the form provided at Our web.


You can do it through our address, telephone numbers 673 633 220 and 660 33 30 30, by our email or by using the form available at Our web.


The operation is performed by a surgeon assisted by the robot. The Da Vinci Robot does not operate autonomously, the robot reproduces the surgeon's movements and follows his instructions while enhancing visibility, precision and maneuverability.

Any surgery can have risks, since some complications may occur such as bleeding, infection, reaction to anesthesia, etc. However, thanks to the advanced technology of the Da Vinci system and being a minimally invasive intervention, these risks are less likely to occur.

In laparoscopic surgery, the surgeon operates manually with rigid instruments and observes the area to be operated on through a standard two-dimensional video monitor; both conditions can lead to reduced visibility and dexterity during operation.

While the Da Vinci Robot offers greater precision, since the system provides 360º visibility of the prostate with high magnification capacity; which allows the surgeon to make incisions and movements with millimeter precision thanks to the possibility of mechanically and digitally expanding the specialist's movements. The main difference is that the robot performs the surgical maneuvers with greater accuracy, reducing the operation time and with minimal invasion of the patient's body, which significantly increases the guarantees of the treatment and reduces the margin of human error.


The technique can be carried out on any type of prostate, especially large prostates.

The procedure with the Aquabeam System consists of integrating ultrasound with the standard camera (cystoscope); allowing the surgeon to have an entire visualization of the prostate in real time; allowing it to accurately map the parts of the prostate that must be removed (which prevents the removal of those areas of the prostate that can cause irreversible complications, such as incontinence and erectile or ejaculatory dysfunction). Once the surgeon performs surgical mapping of the prostate, a heat-free, robotically controlled water jet removes the prostate tissue that has been identified.

Una de las preguntas más frecuentes de los pacientes y motivo de preocupación es la recuperación, el post-operatorio. Al igual que otras intervenciones de la próstata, al paciente se le coloca un catéter después de la operación. Sin embargo, el ingreso hospitalario es corto, normalmente de una noche.

Once discharged, the patient may experience mild discomfort, such as a mild burning sensation when urinating that usually lasts a couple of weeks.


Our goal is to offer our patients precise, minimally invasive surgery with fewer side effects than conventional techniques for the treatment of various urological conditions, in order to improve their quality of life and promote their overall well-being.

We strive to be leaders in the implementation and application of robotic surgery in the field of urology, ensuring clinical excellence and maximum care for our patients.

Responsible attitude towards the patient, personalized attention and treatment.

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