Our Videos

A picture is worth more than my words. Clear all your doubts with our videos about Da Vinci, Aquabeam and our equipment.

How works Da Vinci?

Explanatory video on the Da Vinci Surgical System

How works Aquabeam?

Explanatory video on the Aquabeam robotic system for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia of the Prostate

Dr Sanz & Da Vinci

Dr. Sanz tells us about his experience with the Da Vinci robot and shows an operation performed with it

Dr Emilio Julve & Da Vinci

Dr. Emilio Julve Villalta tells us about his experience with the Da Vinci robot. 

Dr Juan Arocena & Da Vinci

Dr. Juan Arocena García-Tapia tells us about his experience with the Da Vinci robot. 

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